Hats off to us amazing woman!

Holly • 💙 born June 2017 •••• 💙 coming September 2018

I figured it just fitting that after womans day and reading all these birth stories that I make a post to say that.

There is every kind of birth on this app! From textbook to out of the blue. Everyone has their own story that is special just to them. Some are scary and some are heartwarming.

More than anything we own our stories and we share them to educate others who come after us and bring beautiful little men and woman into this world and those who lose those beautiful little ones far too soon.

My hat is off to all you beautiful ladies who gave birth naturally, with drugs, without drugs, c-section, VBAC, hypnobirthing, and any other way I didn't mention.

You are all amazing and no one way of birth is better than any other.

WE ALL GAVE BIRTH and that makes us rockstars!

So remember that
