my birth story ,

I was 39 weeks 4 days exactly on march 3,2017 , March 6, 2017 was my due date & I was getting índuce march 9,2017 because I was 80% effaced & 1 centimeter dialated . I decided to try the Castrol oil thingy That morning march 3 , to see if anything Happen & oh boy it did . I took a table spoon at 6 a.m with some orange juice , walked & squat a bit , started having mild contractions 30 mins later . Once it became 9 a.m there where getting much more closer but they were still mild , so I just took a warm shower time passed by around 12:48 I headed out to the hospital they got much more intense,& Like around 1:30 ish p.m I was 2 centimeters , I was put on pitocin to speed things up , I had no time to get an epidural or any pain medication next thing you know I went from 1 centimeter a week before to 2 centimeters with the castrol oil , to then put on pitocin & got to 5 centimeter en less the 30 mins later around 4:48 p.m I was already 10 centimeters dialated ready to push but my doctor wasn't there yet  I remind you my baby head was fully crowned I literally felt his head , my doctor arrived at 4:53 he made it 
  with exactly two pushes my baby boy was welcomed into this world at 5:01 p.m I was four hours in labor at my house & 4 hours in labor at the hospital , before I had my baby fully 8 hours in labor , I had a natural delivery & it was all worth it . ♥☺️