
LADIES!!! Please do not be ashamed or feel like a failure if you have to formula feed your baby Breast if better but fed is best!!!! I keep seeing a post on Facebook about a mom that is hurting right now because her baby accidentally starved to death because she listened to the doctor's and instead of formula feeding or supplementing she kept trying to breastfeed knowing her supply was low. Please go with your gut and if you have to do both then do it, if you have to stop then stop; I understand the frustration, disappointment and let down others give you if you can't breastfeed but it's not about them it's about your baby. You are not a bad mom if you can't do it, never feel that way formula feeding is nothing to be ashamed of.

My first I tried sooo hard to breastfeed he had a hard time latching, they had lactation consultants try and help, my supply was low it was all bad. No matter how many times I told the nurses to give me formula they said no to keep trying to breastfeed; I was a first time mom and was afraid to go against their word. Once I got home I still tried for a few days, pumped, expressed you name it I tried it after days of no luck and listening to a screaming hungry baby I said fuck it and stuck a bottle in his mouth and everything changed... his crying stopped, his tummy always looked full and he was happy! now he is a 3 year old who looks 5, strong happy little boy that is healthy as can be.

My second she latched right away but due to low supply again and learning from the first time I started supplementing formula and breast milk after a day or two but after 2 months I had to stop. I will admit I did feel like a failure and to me it was even worst the second time but I got over it; all that mattered was they were fed, happy, growing and healthy.

It took me a little bit but I realized that all I was doing was trying to make others happy and not myself or my baby I was more worried about what others would think if I stopped breastfeeding, would they think I was a bad mom? Would they think I was a loser a failure?. It doesn't matter, their words and judgement don't matter, THEY don't matter; do what's best for you and your baby not for other people; it does take a strong women to stand-up to others but you can do it! You are not alone in this if you need advice or help I and thousands of other women that have been through it are here for you!! Don't be afraid to open up!!
