My girls will never know their paw paw

Madison💁🏼‍♀️ • Retailer// Married 6 yrs// Mommy to fraternal twin girls// surprise baby on the way!
The hardest thing about this pregnancy (and all the amazing things happening in our life right now) is not having my dad here to celebrate with us. We lost him 6 months ago on the 4th. I was extremely close with my father. I pray my daughters have this kind of relationship with my husband. My dad would have been an incredible paw paw to our girls!! I'm so heartbroken that they won't know him on this earth. We plan to incorporate him into their lives after they are born (teddy bears and dresses made of his shirts, singing his lullabies to them, etc.). 
This is the first time I went to his grace since his funeral. I put two pink balloons for my two girls.