mom stressing me out rant

So I recently found how I'm pregnant 4 weeks and 3 days with my first. My boyfriend and I have a house both work and been together for two years. We've been through so much together and are happy to be there for each other though it all.  I want to give my baby a great stress free life. Well my mother who has put me through so much as a kid and adult, I love her so much but she has done her kids wrong in many ways. She's been a drug addict since she was a young teen and had me at a young age with no one to help her than. To this day she still does so much things, stays homeless going house to house, taking advantage of people turning her loved ones down. And she keeps begging me to let her stay with us..... I told her no she puts me through so much emotional stress I don't need that I'm trying to get my life started and going I've had depression for a long time due to the things she's put me through.... and she told me I let her down and she's going to kill herself and got mad at me, I'm sorry but I don't want to worry about my things coming missing and being sold and her "diseases" being in my house, using my toilet, I don't want to worry about not being able to leave and her leaving my house 3am to get drugs and leaving my doors unlocked or sneaking people in and telling people where I live or doing drugs in my home...she takes advantage of anyone who helps her she's had many opportunities to change and get help, she's been to rehab and mental programs and leaves them all. It breaks my heart I just want my mom to be a mom and get her shit together and be there for her kids before she does something or get something done to herself I couldn't handle the death..... having to worry if she's going to be alive each day is so nerve wrecking I just want to live a normal happy life with my new in the making family I don't want the stress of others out on me. ☹️😔