Posterior tongue tie

Hey momma's, I have a 2 week old who I have had a few people check out and one said he has posterior tongue tie. He has troubles latching, and comes unlatched sometimes. If I use a nipple shield he is generally fine, and he is gaining more than enough weight. We haven't completely decided if we want the procedure or not, I'm wondering if other ladies have experienced this and if it can go away on its own? Will his latch perhaps improve over time? Right now he is cluster feeding so he is on my boobs for hours at a time, he falls asleep too so I have to wake him up, burp him, and switch sides often. When I pump and he takes a bottle, a lot drips out. He always smacks his lips, but half the time at the boob he barely swallows and I feel like he is using me as a binky. Do they only smack their lips when you are hungry? Or when they just want to suck on your breast too? So many questions any answers are appreciated!