8.5 month old prefers his dad 😔


My 8.5 month old son is currently going through a weird dad-love phase (hopefully a phase). For the past few weeks, he wants to have nothing to do with me. He only wants his dad. He wakes up looking for his dad, he twists and turns to jump to his dad when I'm holding him; when I ask to hold him, he ignores me; if he hears his dad's voice anywhere in the house, he whines till I take him to him. 

I love that they share this bond, but it's getting a bit frustrating to be rejected by my son this way. I work from home and I'm with him all day, I do a lot of things for him daily -- from making his food, feeding him (also still breastfeeding him!), changing him etc. but he seems to prefer his dad over me. Is this normal? Has anyone else gone through this? What can I do to make this process a little more rewarding for myself, at the expense of sounding very selfish 🙄