I'm going crazy 😂

Okay ladies I'm not one for superstition but I do believe in a higher power and miracles. I have been ttc for almost 2 years now and I was on thedepo prior to trying. I read online it can take up to 10 months for things to go back to normal and up to 2 years for your chance to be that of a couple who was never on the shot. It's been 2 years stopping today and lately I've been noticing a different in my body and cm production. But the point of this post is I've been having tons of dreams of being pregnant or already having a baby lately, than this morning I woke up for work and was getting ready. I went to our spare room and one of my dresser drawers was open. In the the drawer is baby clothes and blankets I've bought for when we have a baby. The drawer hasn't been opened for months nor has the dresser been touched. I feel like something is trying to tell me something. Either that or I'm going crazy and need to be put away 😂Â