What is going on?!

Teri 🌈✨
Just looking for some help. I had a m/c Jan 14 2017. Body went right back to normal. First cycle started Feb 11 and I'm due to start my second cycle post miscarriage tomorrow. I haven't had any of the "normal" pms symptoms so I'm not sure what's going on. 
My Bellabeat app is telling me to expect my period tomorrow and Glow is telling me to expect it next Thursday (my cycle on Glow got a little messed up due to the miscarriage) 
My Bellabeat app is also saying I ovulated Feb 25 (CD15 which is normal for me) but OPK's didn't display the solid smilie face until last Thursday (CD20) 
Im just confused. I didn't have any complications getting pregnant or during my miscarriage. I've read that a miscarriage can kind of mess things up for a bit but I wouldn't have expected that seeing as I went right back to normal right away. The only thing I have noticed is my skin is breaking out worse than it has in a very long time but that could be because my hormones are going crazy. 
Anyone experience this after a miscarriage?