big boned women dont snap back

This is all i hear, as a child i was fine i got a bit chubby at 9 but i was slightly over weight till my teens no issues tbh..
I starred drinking and staying out late i weighed atleast 16 stones at 17
My period stop, i lost the weight by walking nd eating clean but became ill by counting calories i hit 13 stones but was so weak i am 5'7ft btw
I gained weight again to 14 stone
I spent the whole of last year in the gym i went down to 12'7 
I got pregnant nd due to work hours couldn't attend gym, i go swimming nd walk alot, i am currently 5months pregnant and back to 14stones 😒
Weight has always been an issue for me as you have read but i try to eat healthy nd keep fit,
Once my baby is out i have been told i wont snap back as i am a 'big boned women' and 'i will stay fat for over a few years', i will never get my figure back' etc this hurts me, i plan to eat healthy and do home exercise but all i hear 'u wont have the time' 'u wont get back'
I had a miscarriage in the past* and lost all my baby weight i gained from there, it was a bit difficult waiting the 6weeks but i ate cleaned and once i was healed i worked harder and faster
Any one else 'big boned' lost baby weight within the first year they child has been born?