Vegans - I need help!

Lindsey • 20, married, and TTC for 1 year
So I have tried eating plant based several times. I go for months then somehow I fall out of it. I find myself getting really sick of the same foods over and over. When I look up vegan meal ideas they're all full of things I don't really like. I'm kind of a picky eater and I'm weird about textures. I don't really love avocado, chickpeas, lentils, onions, peppers, blah blah blah. So essentially I end up eating vegan burritos and such like every day because I can't find much else I'm into. I hate the fake meats and cheeses too. :( I'm fine for months as I said but I end up snapping when I feel like every day it's smoothie, burrito, veggie burger. Oatmeal, rice, beans. How do I make a vegan diet more interesting? Anyone else kind of a picky veggie eater but still making it work somehow? Meal ideas?