tired of being blown off by midwives

Hanna • I have one beautiful little girl 3 years old! Started ttc in August 2015. Due with rainbow baby April 2017!
This is my second high risk pregnancy. I had preeclampsia and had my first at 35 weeks which is how far along I am now. I have GD this time as well. So the last two weeks I have had high BP as well a severe headache and vision problems. I also have had protein in my urine every dr appointment I have which I have two a week. I have also done 24 hour urine and my levels were 10 "points" below what they considered to be preeclampsia. They have tried 3 different migraine RX and my dr told me to go to L&D if the last two did not work. 
I go to l&d. My bp is high the whole time. And the baby showed no movement on the monitor.  (I had told them I haven't been feeling her. I get a BPP ultrasound every week) but what really pissed me off is that after I was put on the monitor not one person came into the room other that to do blood work then leave! They did not ask what medication I was taking or that I was diabetic. So 3 hours later they come in and tell me to go on bed rest because bp was high (which I already am already) and asked if I have tried TYLENOL. FREAKING TYLENOL. I then told them everything I have been taking and the nurse said "weird.. that should have worked." She then came back and gave me a medicine that has codeine in it and all it did was make me feel sick and my migraine and vision stayed the same. Anyways I don't know why the midwife on call was the one making these decisions when I am high risk a second time and having a repeat C section. I am just so terrified of having another sick baby in the NICU again.