I need advise

I need advise. In advance there's going to be a lot of grammatical mistakes.. 
So my boyfriend and I met October 2015. So I haven't been with him that long. I'm Christian he's Muslim (has a big part to play in it) well we met by a mutual friend. Everything was absolutely wonderful for about five months. We both caught feelings extremely fast. I also lost my virginity to him.. so anyways I'm not sure how the fights started but it would get really bad. When I would break up with him because he'd be way too possessive and manipulative. So a couple of the times when we would be broken up for over a good amount of time I would go on a friendly date with another man. I guess since where I live all middle easterns know each other some way or another... it would get back to my ex. So as soon as he heard of me talking to someone else he'd try his hardest to get me back. Which always worked on his side. Well the fights ended up getting extremely bad to the point where he'd curse at me calling me all kinds of names. I got fed up with it. So I started to do the same. He expected plenty of things from me. So I expected the same in return. He didn't want me to go anywhere... not even to the mall to go shopping with my mom! So anywho he became homeless and slept in his car and started lashing out on me.. and going to different places he wouldn't want me going to.. ( hookah lounges, talking to friends, spending the night at a friends house when he had women over ! ) just a lot... and I did the most for him. I did everything I could for him. The little money I had I gave to him. I'd spend ALL MY TIME WITH HIM. I just thought he'd go back to the way he was. I thought this was just a temporary kinda thing.. I lost all of my friends... It started getting worse. He left me bruises and pushed me( I'm clumsy ) so I'd fall to the grown and get more bruises.. he would start saying " f your mom and dad.... your dads a little B " and i would ignore him for a couple of hours... he started getting really hard headed... And I decided To officially break up with him December 2016. January came around and I met someone new. He was really nice to me and just plan out a sweat heart ! Towards the end of January ... he contacted me again. And made me believe that the new guy was talking to plenty of women. And eventually I got back with him because he kept begging me ( I know it was dumb of me.. but it happened ) so we were together for a month. In the beginning of March he told me he was leaving to Las Vegas to move in with his sister and brother in law for a month and his brother would give him 10k because they heard my boyfriend was living in his car. He knew he was going to leave for a month & for a whole week he didn't tell me. He just told me he was going to pick up his mom from Vegas and bring her back( she was going to pay rent and live with him ) the next day.. and then finally towards the end of the week he wanted to meet up. So I told him to meet me by a local grocery store. He told me. The truth.. I started to just cry and cry and cry. I couldn't stop crying...  and I begged him not to go! But he went any way.. he promised me a lot of things. ( dumb little things I guess, like not shaving his beards only once a week, not going out only strictly for work ) and he'd be on the phone with me a lot ( We ALWAYS were on the phone when we weren't together we even slept on the phone as well.. ).. so I told him I'd wait for him to come back. The moment he got there.. he shaved and hung up on me. ( which he told me he wouldn't !) I was crying a whole lot... since I do deal with chronic depression ( LIKE BAD)And I was on my period... he called me later on that day and he said he's so sorry ! He's not going to stay there for a month but only two weeks because he knows that I wouldn't be able to take it... but he can't be on the phone and he's only going to text me at least once the whole day. So point is... he's coming back " soon" as he says he is. Which is going to be more then two weeks... and he told me his mom wants him to marry asap since he is 34 already and she wants to be here to watch his kids grow. I just turned 22 in January and I live with my parents( im very big with family ) he told me he wants to tell his mom ( being Muslim! He can't have gf's ) that he got a girl pregnant ( me , BUT IM NOT PREGNANT ) and he wants to marry me... because I guess that's the only way he thinks he can do it. I told him that's a horrible idea. And he said he wants to tell her In a month or so that I had a miscarriage .. (BAD I KNOW) and he told me his mom said she wants to marry him to some girl that's my age and already graduated college.. so that's why he wants to tell her about me. I told him I wasn't sure. He's ready to ask my parents for my hand in marriage. But thing is I'm being pressured! And I seen his text messages on his IMessage from his previous marriage ( btw he never told me about that him being married before.. I had to find out on my own. And he denied it for a couple of hours and finally confessed to it.... I'm not even sure if he married more then once because I also seen other messages of him and different women telling them that he wants to marry them... and he was being serious) anyways he was saying practically the same thing to her.. lady's, I need advise... I have no one to talk to.. and I know ultimately it's my decision.... I love him but I don't think he'll ever change! And he constantly lied to me.. my sisters even said I should do a background check on him because all his stories never add up.... I really need advise.