trying after 10 years of depo

So this is my first time posting anything... but just curious If anyone else has gone through hell with the depo. I went on the depo when I was 16 because at the time I wasn't ready for a family and I'll be honest taking a pill with my forgetful mind wasn't an option. Fast forward 10 years later iv been with my boyfriend for over a year now and I decided to give me body a rest from birthcontrol. Iv suffered from Horrible migraines for 2 years and iv tried everything to help get rid of them. My dr suggested I give my body a rest from the depo and see if that helped. Well good news it did! Iv been off the depo sense last may and I think iv had maybe 3 migraines sense. Few months after the depo my boyfriend and I decided we were ready for the next chapter in our lives. We recently bought our first house together and well life has been pretty great. Unfortunately my cycle would disagree. I didn't get my first period until decemember and it was every two weeks! Early January my OBGYN suggested going on the pill to regulate my cycle and then once it has to try again in a few months. I wasn't too happy if trying birth control again... however just this past week I have finally reached a normal 28 day cycle! So I guess my question is has anyone been on the depo as long as myself and how long did it take to regulate and finally get pregnant? It will soon be a year sense my last shot so I'm hoping this is it for us and this will be our year. Thank you <3