is this a good idea or no?!?

Okay our 5 year anniversary is st Patrick's day. Call us overly spirited Irish folk. Anyhow, my husband is hard to buy for because he's extremely picky. He usually just buys something for himself and says that's his gift which makes me mad because there's no thoughtfulness on my end. So I got him a hoodie. But also, the other day he asked me to rub his feet and they were awful! So dry and in need of some serious care. So I went to the beauty supply and bought up a bunch of pedicure stuff and I'm gonna surprise him with the pedicure of his life! Side note: I'm a cosmetologist so it'll be legit and bomb. Second side note: he's had pedicures before and low key loves them. Think this is a good romantic guesture for the man who is impossible to buy for?? Thoughts ideas?!