no one notices the good they only notice the bad

my boyfriend is absolutely amazing and has a heart of gold he Is the type of person that would lend you his jacket if you were freezing, he's done so much for me working really hard at his job providing for me and our daughter that will be here in less then 3 weeks, he has helped around the house and moves heavy stuff around. but none of his family notices the good he does, only when he does something they are against. they think so negative of him especially that mother of his. Everything she says about him is totally negative saying he's going to lose his job by him smoking, my boyfriend is responsible he pays the bills and important stuff its not like he wastes his money. I just don't understand why she sees bad in him. All I gotta say is I love my man and got nothing but confidence in him!! he says me and this baby is what is motivating him and do good at his job. I know he will be a great father if not a better parent then his own! our babygirl is going to have two parents that love her deeply and us being in love and happy makes a happy family.