need some advice 🤔 thyroid issues please read

Does anyone one else have an under or over active thyroid? I found out on Friday I did so once again I can't start our fertility meds until it's under control 😢 just started my medication for it and I was told that it's going to be another 2 months until my next blood test so that's two more months at least until we can start fertility meds grrrr was so upset broke down into tears, this last 6 months seems like it's been one let down after another and always some reason they can't start our medication.
So I would love some help and advice towards this.
If anyone of yous have thyroid issues I would love to hear your story's 
I wondering how long it will take for my thyroid to become stable 
Is there any possibly my fertility will increase once my thyroid is under control
TIA ladies xx