So I got preggo with an IUD...

Niki • A girl just looking to organize her period :)
For anyone considering to get an IUD, here's my story in a nutshell.
About the relationship:
I'm in a long distance relationship. 3 1/2 years now. Occasional visits here and there (once every 1 - 4 months) but our lives, for the most part, are separate from each other. We have unprotected sex on every visit. We are exclusive to each other AND we are both STI-free :)
Why I got the IUD?
I got the IUD around the time we began dating (2013), about 6 months in. I just hated, especially for my previous relationships, having protected sex while still having a late period. I always got so scared. So when I researched the IUD, I thought, why not. Most reputable sites say that out of 100 women, 1 or less become pregnant. I liked those stats a lot. Also, I never experienced raw sex before until my current boyfriend. And trust me, you never want to go back.
Copper or Mirena?
I chose the 10 YR copper over the 5 YR Mirena. Yes, I know, the period pains are worst BUT, I'd rather feel like a tough ass woman for 7 days a month than deal with something that changes your body's natural routines. I mean the idea of hormonal contraception and 'possibly' missing my period for months sounds not only scary, but sketchy. So I got most natural and "reliable" option available. >.>
The procedure:
It was weird. Interesting, but felt weird. They had to insert some clamp to get the IUD in there, but it was super easy. They told me to do monthly checks for the string to ensure its position and so I did.
Back to sex:
So we had it raw for two years, no problems. Then one day, I returned to my hometown and after a couple weeks, I expected my period to come. But guess what? Nothing. I have never been preggo before. I was really scared, but also felt somewhat at ease telling myself 'I couldn't be' since I been okay for the past two years. I finally caved in after another week, got a pregnancy test and found out the news. I also checked for my IUD strings afterwards, but couldn't feel it, so I assumed it came out somehow. Maybe in the toilet?
I kept thinking, of course I had to be the 1 out of 100 women to get pregnant. I blame my boyfriends sperm. Seems like that one was a fighter. 💪
Doctor time:
I went to the doctor to confirm everything and they told me I was 6 weeks pregnant. I took an ultrasound and found out the IUD was still inside. Like WHAT THE FLYING F???? And all that good stuff was basically my reaction. 
To abort, or not to abort:
My boyfriend was super supportive. Sucked he couldn't be physically with me, but after much deliberation, speaking with the doctor and finding out I had a 50% chance of a miscarriage because of the IUD, we decided an abortion would be the right route to go. I also decided to get a new IUD reinserted because it was reliable for a whole two years to begin with. Better safe than sorry.. twice.
So I had my first abortion. I was all okay about it at first but, it definitely hit home as soon as I got to my bed. I was so sad and a little traumatized. I never thought in my whole life I would ever have an abortion, especially at my age (22). The whole ultrasound experience was the sucker of it all, as I did get to see the baby and kept thinking to myself 'what could have been'. Overall I was a mess. 
Moral of the story:
Research, research, research.
Prepare for the worst.
Always use protection. 
'nuff said.
Hope this helps!