spotting at almost 19weeks.

Last night, I started spotting around 9pm. Light pink/red...every time I wiped. I called the doctor and he told me to go to the ER to have an ultrasound. I did, everything looked fine. They did blood work, urine tests, etc...everything came back fine. While at the hospital, the bleeding turned to brown. It's now 32 hours later and the bleeding has definitely slowed but it's still happening. Still brown. I should probably feel better that everything looked fine but I can't shake the fact that I'm bleeding and no one knows why. This has been the scariest moments of my life! I'm so afraid to lose my baby. Has anyone else experienced this and had a healthy, full term baby? I've seen a lot of posts about shortening cervixs and I'm not sure if they checked mine, but I have my anatomy scan on Wednesday...should I wait that long or ask to be checked sooner?