extremely late birth story

Cassandra • Boy mom💙💙
So my son is 20 months now but just getting around to it now! 
So through my whole pregnancy it was pretty normal no issues except for bleeding at 11 weeks. 38 weeks come around and I'm dying because the whole pregnancy he was in my back,I had false labor that night and got sent home the next morning because I lived an hour and a half from the hospital,not even dilated. So for the next 2.5 weeks I'm have no false contractions I'm so swollen,in pain just want this baby out! 40 weeks comes and I'm finally dilated to a 1. They do a sweep(worst thing in the world) so crampy and bleeding but it doesn't do nothing. 41 weeks comes and still no change,another sweep and nothing,finally the next day I'm feeling cramps but feel it's nothing so we go about our day,walking and then that evening I needed to take a bath I couldn't handle the cramps anymore,they aren't going away this time I knew I had to be in labor at 7 days overdue. Finally I'm admitted and they give me some meds for the pain and put a gel in my cervix to help because I'm still only 1cm dilated and they monitored me and I was for sure having constant contractions, the next day my contractions stop! They make me walk for a few hours and nothing. They give me more gel by this time I'm dying in pain after 6 hours they check me I'm only a 2! They kept monitoring me all day,I had 2 pills apart of dilaudid to help with the pain which did nothing so that night I needed sleep so they shot an injection of it this time in my hip I was high as a kite good thing because the nurse came in to hook me up to IV and it hurt so bad she couldn't get it in and was moving it around inside my arm! I was so high I felt like throwing up and then the worst happened...my baby wasn't moving his heart rate was steady at 140...they needed to get him moving or it was an emergency csection for me. Finally after 4 hours we got him moving again. Later that night my water broke,the nurse didn't believe me,she was going to move me over to the mommy ward until I was in active labor because I was taking up a room in labor ward, so I got up and she was like nope your not going anywhere now so I got an IV for meds because I was positive for strep B. All though the night I tried to get sleep which managed getting up to pee a lot but was also very uncomfortable laying in fluids.6am came and no change so now they are inducing me,by this time I'm about 27ish hours in,8am comes and I'm dying for the epidural the doctor is peeping for all surgeries that morning so I have to wait it was the longest 1-2 hours of my life and on top of that I'm throwing up wanting to push  just to ease the pain feeling like I need to poop so I was constantly going to the bathroom and my worse fear of all,my husband gets food poisoning so he's running to the bathroom every 15 mins coming out of both ends me being in fear of having to do this all by myself. He finally gets some stuff to help calm it down so he can help me,I finally got the epidural and it was heaven I apperently slept for 6 hours but it only felt like 30 mins. I kept feeling pressure down there like I needed to push,they checked me,only a 7 I must of kept asking them to check every 20 mins LOL. Finally I'm a 9.5 and can't handle it anymore so my doctor says I can push she will just put her hand inside and move that last .5 out of the way so baby can pass. That was painful! I was an hour in and I couldn't do it anymore I was giving up I felt like a failure and then my sons heart rate started dropping with every push and every contraction,but he was so at down the birth canal there was no way for a section. We needed the vaccumm to help because I was just so exhausted 35 hours of no food not a lot of rest,he needed to come out! 45 mins pass and I was giving it my all 4 crazy monster pushes and he came out and they took him right away tons of nurses and doctors rushed in we were so happy crying in tears but those tears turned into fear wondering what was going on,my husband didn't get to cut the cord we never heard a scream out of our little boy! It took 10 mins for him to start breathing and moving and it was the most becautiful sound ever when I heard him scream finally. He was sent to the nicu for 4 hours he developed a bit of a cone head from the vacuum and became jaundice. We were in the hospital for a week before we got to go home. I only needed 5 stitches a tore a 2nd degree,2 inside 3 outside. I couldn't move for the first few days being in so much pain down there. He's now our healthy happy toddler with a few setbacks(a little behind on speech and can't chew he needs to learn so we're still doing purees) and we are exspecting baby number 2,I'm 11.5weeks! I'll be honest I'm so nervous for labor again like it's my first time I'm just hoping it's faster,easier and less complicated than my first one❤