Ladies, please help me. I'm losing my mind.

Lele • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧mom to two beautiful daughters 10/25/16 & 6/13/19👧🏼Two angel babies👼🏼 08/18 👼🏼 09/18
My daughter will be 20 weeks on Tuesday. She hit her sleep regression at 17 weeks. For the last three weeks I have not slept. I'm so beyond exhausted and feel like I'm losing myself. My husband had to move into the spare bedroom so he can be rested up for work (which I completely support) and I am just alone all night with my daughter who just won't sleep. It takes me anywhere from an hour to two hours to get her to sleep and then she is up within 45 min. I can't even fall asleep by the time she is up again. She is tried and grumpy all day and screams all night. I've tried 'scream it out'-let her scream for an hour max before I went in, calmed her down and laid her back down just to do it all over again. I've tried putting her down without nursing her to sleep. I've tried baby massage(she hates it). Putting her down on her belly (she rolls over almost immediately anyway). I give her a bath every night. She nurses plenty through the day. I can't swaddle any more because of the rolling. I have tried white noise, music, nothing...what else can I do? I am so much at a loss right now. In need her to sleep. I need sleep. I know this is normal, but how much longer will this last? Anyone have any other tips?