1 toddler and another baby on the way!

So I never rant but this time I guess I will. I have a beautiful 2 year old active toddler. Now I am pregnant with my 2nd baby.im very excited but to be honest I am nervous and kind of concerned. My 2 year old can be quite needy at times and is a light sleeper so I'm afraid that when I have my newborn and she wakes up every two hours that my two year old will wake up too and it'll be a crazier night for all of us. I know my husband will help me but he works really early. I will most likely have a c section again so I don't know how I will be able to care for both. I know many women have done it for centuries and women who have more kids than I do. I guess I just wanna make sure I am the best mom that I can be to both of my babies. Any advice on how to care for both of them at the same time and how to put them both on a schedule?