Lillian Grace

I went in on my due date which was Jan 22 this year. I wasn't induced until the next morning. It took me all day to get to 2 centimeters and then to 3 centimeters. Finally around 630 that Monday night my doctor came and told me that she was leaving and that she'll be back in the next morning because we weren't expecting my baby until the next day. About 20 mins later my epidural starting wearing off which was totally expected be I got it so early that day. So any ways I had a horrible pain in my side and I was feeling contractions again. They had the anaesthesia nurse come back and give me another dose of the epidural bc I was in so much pain. My nurses decided to check me again and when they did they said ok you're at 9 centimeters let's get ready. I started panicking and texted my boyfriend bc he had just walked downstairs. He rushed back up and my time he got in there they had my legs and were saying my doctor was on her way back. As soon as she walked in she said she could see the head. I started pushing immediately. I was so nervous and scared that I had to get oxygen bc the baby wasnt getting enough oxygen. Finally after 15 mins of pushing out came my beautiful baby girl. She weighed 8lbs and 6oz and was 20.5 inches long. We named her Lillian Grace and she is still a happy healthy baby.