#1 IUI prolly didn't work

My wife and I went in on day 12 of my cycle with positive ovulation test. They did my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> with my largest follicles at 19. Went back on day 15 for my collapse and I hadn't ovulated yet. I was so upset and disappointed that my body didn't do what it was suppose to. My dr said that next time we would measure my follicles before thawing my donor sperm. I go on Thursday for my blood test. She stated that in a few days after if I still haven't started my cycle to recheck my blood test since we were are few days behind.  She said I had really healthy sperm. But I'm just sad that it didn't work. I know it was just my first time. But I was really hopeful. We have a daughter by my wife and thiswas our donors last vial. So now we have no other options for a half sibling. I'm a believer of everything happens for a reason. Still hopeful but already wrapped my mind around a negative pregnancy test