anyone else experience this before?

Today in the store i was walking around and I suddenly got extremely lightheaded, and felt like i was having a hotflash, but at the same time i felt like someone had put ice to my skin. I knelt down so I wouldn't fall if I fainted and i got alittle nauseous, and when i stood back up the severe lightheadedness  and clammy feeling hit me again, and I started having trouble breathing (i think i was starting to panic and it was triggering the few remaining symptoms of childhood asthma). I almost fell trying to kneel back down, and ended up sitting on the floor in the baby section for ten minutes. I just grabbed my purse out of the buggy and told an employee i passed that i had an emergency and have to go and left my buggy in the isle full of food. I called my mom to come drive me home and my stepdad got my car.
The last time i had felt anything similar to that i was in junior year and tore a ligament in my ankle in class, and my teacher said the reaction was my body going into shock( i was called up to the boardfor a question and my foot was asleep, i didn't feel any pain except my bones grinding atm) 
Idk what happened. Im 12weeks 1 day, ftm.