Bad all day sickness!! Never felt worse

Based on my LMP I am only 7 weeks 4 days, for the past 7 days ive been non stop vomiting. Ive been able to eat and drink but that even comes up an hour or 2 later. I dont feel dehydrated or anything like that yet but i have definitely noticed im losing weight. Ill continue to drink and eat as much as I can but its so friggen painful to vomit things up.

I just had some sprite before and that literally burnt my throat coming up, i tried powerade and that hurt as well!!

The hardest thing right now is having 4 other kids to care for. Today, i felt like the worst mum in the world but i could not for the life of me get them to school so they all stayed home. I know this is not something i can do every day but i just couldn't do it today. I was really bad this morning. My partner is an amazing help but hes off to work before we even get up. As soon as he finishes he takes over and cooks and cleans etc while i go to sleep.

But omg when does the sickness end? If im not vomitting im nauseous and feeling like im on the verge of it every second of the day. I have a lively 2year old boy and i feel so bad unable to pay him attention and play as much as id like to.

I feel so helpless and just want to break down crying. Why is it like this? I want the pain to go away and enjoy my pregnancy.