
I have 5 children and am booked to be wed on the 29th April my mother has spent thousands arranging it. Anyway the man in my life the father of my 5 children keeps telling me I'm fat I'm ugly he drinks and becomes aggressive...he's then full of regret and promises it won't happen again and he's a bad person bla bla bla. 12 years of this he can't handle his drink and then when he does turn I've caused it all apparently...I am far from stupid but I am weak. I can't go on I've told my family what he keeps doing I've told him the wedding is off. I need guidance from someone my children are 9...8...6.....14mths....5mths. What should I do I'm on prozac for pnd I feel 10 times worse than I've ever felt noone can help me. I weigh 13 stone and 5foot6 size 16 clothes I've lost 6lb in 3 weeks I can't eat because I don't want to. I'm. Lost my beautiful children need me and I am broken