Negative or something there?

This test is NOT mine! It's actually my sister's (I have a 6mo old, so we are deffo NOT ttc anytime soon!). My sister has been desperate to get pregnant tho, & I jus don't have the heart to tell her I don't see anything. I don't wanna crush her by saying it looks neg to me, but don't wanna say I might see something when I don't (don't wanna get her hopes up just to get smashed when af arrives). She says she sees something & af is due today or tomorrow, but with how sensitive tests are these days, if she actually was preggers I'm thinking she would at least have a faint line by now. So just wanted to get your ladies opinion on this before I tell her I don't see a thing😢 To me it looks totally bfn but maybe I just have bad eyes? Opinions ladies?

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