I swear I'm going to go insane from lack of sleep 😩

Marisa • Momma to Rowan Maverick born 10-5-16 & Rhen Mason 11-28-18 💙
My son is 5 months 9 days old. The past month he stopped sleeping through the night. He'd started sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night around 2 months old. So I  had two solid months of sleeping basically through the night. And now I'm waking up what feels like every 2 hours with him. The past 2 nights though were awful. I maybe got 3 hours of sleep last night. My SO works nights so I have no help at night and he has to sleep during the day so I really have no help until later in the afternoon when he gets up. I can't nap when my son does because I work in his he evenings so that's usually when I manage to shower and get ready. When I get home from work at 9:30 he's usually asleep and my so is headed to work. But he's always waking up but 11-12. Then like every 2 hours after that. Then he wants to be up for the day at 7 or 8 am.  I'm slowly losing my mind. I just want to get him to sleep at least four hours straight. I swear I didn't even feel this exhausted when he was first born.