Words of encouragement please..

I just got into a heated argument with my "Christian" mother.. She said she hopes I have a miscarriage b/c I don't deserve this child. She also took my 3 year old with her & told me that if I tried to take her back, she would call the cops & have CYS take her from me.. I'm 18 weeks pregnant with prenatal depression as well.. I'm terribly sick on top of all this. I just got over a sinus infection a week ago & I'm getting a cold now too. My entire body hurts. I'm just fed up with everything. I just wanna die. My family pushes me to that point. I had my first at the age of 17. I graduated high school, went to college, graduate college, got a job & bought my very own car.. My number 1 accomplishment is to make my family proud of me but it seems like that will never happen because there is always something to say.. They hate my husband who's been taking care of my daughter & I since her father abandoned us.. I just need some words of encouragement to cheer me up because I'm so fed up. I wanna die. I can't do this anymore..