uuummm... is my husband gay?

This has nothing to do with babies but we do have a newborn. 
Recently after a family function , I noticed one of my husbands close friends holding his hand in the car as we were driving back home and also playing with his wedding ring. (They were both in front seats and I was in the backseat. To clarify  It was his friend's car and not my husbands car. So my husband sat in passenger seat while he drove). They probably thought I didn't notice but this has been on my mind all week. I don't know who to talk to about this or ask advice. That's why I come here anonymously to see what you ladies think and any advice would be appreciated. 
This has been bothering me all week. And please no negative comments here. 
Update: Thanks ladies for responding. How can I look into this further? What can I do or say? 
Update 2 : So I took your advices ladies and I did a few of the recommended things like snooping and I did find some interesting stuff. This friend of my husband sent him some messages and in the mix of the texts I see the two male emojis 👬 with a blowing kiss emoji.... Another event that happened was he came over to the house and I catch him grabbing my mans butt playfully and of course they pretend like it's what boys do. Another time when my husband was taking shower, his friend came in the house to visit and they were going out. instead of waiting for him to finish , he walked into bathroom and I can hear some play fighting going on between the two of them while my husband  was in the shower. Who knows what he did or what was touched or grabbed..... so I recently confronted my husband about this and he just appeared shocked and uncomfortable that I brought it up. He thought I was joking and says "oh that's just what boys do sometimes we make gay jokes here and there". Then when I ask him again before bedtime, he says that maybe his friend might be gay and he has gay tendencies ... that was the last I got from him about that. I know some of you wanted to know the updates. Please let me know your thoughts and what my next action should be? Thanks !