SO wants to go celibate after baby comes! Thoughts..

Im currently 14 weeks and me and my SO have been talking about ways to prevent pregnancy moving foward in life. We wanna move out of state get a house and we are very aware pregnancy should not be in the cards right after baby is due. The thing is hes very worried Im fertile even after PID and a diagnosis of Endo this is my second pregnancy in a year. I was even on birth control for 2 months after my 1st pregnancy. We had to take Plan B. I refuse to do a shot and he thinks IUDs are bad and I think the implant is weird so we came to a slight conclusion that we wouldnt have sex until we moved out of state. The thing is hes been faithful on the pretense of so much sex. So if we gave it up do you ladies think he'll look for it somewhere else, starr another relationship were he doesnt have to worry or worse yet get another girl pregnant instead of me? I just know his sex drive is so high so to say well stop altogether is questionable on the amount of stress itll put on our relationship. And the thought of being celibate and then I have an STD or something is heartbreaking. Is there any alternative you ladies can think of? Am I right for thinking that way? Opinions are appreciated no judgements on your thoughts..