Nap training


There are so many theories what to do, what not to do etc. I'm working on finding what's best for us.

My LO was fighting naps so hard, had to be rocked to sleep every time, and only napped 30mins unless being held or on the couch. But slept great at night, 6-10 hours straight. I'm going back to work soon and won't be able to rock him to sleep or hold him during every nap.

I decided today to try putting him down awake.

I watch for his signs, yawning is a yellow alert, rubbing eyes is red alert. As soon as I see him rub his eyes, i rock him and play lullabies until he's settled, but not quite asleep. I lay him down and he cries for about 5 minutes. Then he fusses for another 5-10 mins, then falls asleep. Today he took TWO 2 hour naps in his crib. That NEVER happens.

I feel bad letting him cry, but he doesn't scream the whole time. I feel like this method is working. But today is just the first day.

I tried the wait 2-5mins then go check/comfort method yesterday and that just worked him up even more.