Okay so I'm needing opinions! Yes, I did get married at 18. I turned 18 in February and had an August wedding. My husband was 17 at the time. (He turned 18 2 weeks after.) We've been together since we were 14 and we just knew. He's my bestfriend. Anyway, I'm 19 now. We've been married about 7 months, we live in a 2 bedroom apartment that has been amazing as our first home. But we want something a little more permanent. We recently found a mobile home that the landlord is willing to sell us on a land contract. Meaning we pay a deposit and then make payments to him every month and those payments go towards the final payoff price. Once it's paid off, we own it. It's on 2 acres of land which we would also own. It would be paid off in alittle over 2 years. My question is, should we do it? We live in a small town and all everyone has ever told us was that we would end up in dead end jobs and living in a trailer. Well, my husband loves his job. He works at the same sawmill that his grandad worked at for his whole life. And I'm a CNA. I don't really think those are dead end jobs but others may disagree. Now the trailer thing... I can't decide if it's worth becoming the stereotype. I mean, on one hand we would OWN our home at 18&19. But, it would indeed be a trailer. So, some advice! We are also TTC. And then would fit the steroeorype "married at 18 living in a trailer with a baby on her hip." I don't need to be lectured on TTC so young, I have health problems and it won't be possible for me to conceive acouple years from now. So please, any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!