Toddler Afraid to be with Dad?

Boyfriend's son is speech delayed, a 15 month level at 2 1/2 years old so I'm not sure if this could be part of the problem. He's been coming over weekly since September. (had to take baby mama to court for placement) When he is over, he will just stand there and stare at us, will say maybe 5 words on his own, has to be told to go play, or eat, etc. He has his own room and his own toys but doesn't go in there without being told to. He says Mama, Mimi, and puppy on his own.. anything else is what we ask him to repeat. He does his own thing and says a lot more at home according to his mom... I feel like he's afraid to be with us or something, although it's been 7 months. Anyone have experience with this or any tips? I feel bad that we have this awkward little robot child instead of a happy playful 2 year old.