Not mom material?

My LO is a month old. I love him and all- but I often do not enjoy my time with him. The days are long and boring and I can't wait for my husband to come home from work so my son isn't strapped to me. I take care of him all night too so I'm exhausted all the time. I can't wait for our date nights so I can have a break from him. I watch other people play with him and they seem to enjoy him. To me he's just this sort of helpless being that needs me for everything. I feel so guilty admitting all of this, and I'm sure things will get better. I don't think I was prepared for parenthood and it's so much harder than I imagined. I don't feel like myself- I feel like my only identity now is My Son's Mom, and that's not fulfilling to me. It makes me sad. While I hope going back to work will help this, I worry that he still won't be sleeping much at night so I'll be even more miserable. Does anyone else have feelings like this? When does it get better?