Crushing on another guy

My boyfriend and I have been dating for four months now and I would say we went pretty fast in the relationship. I didn't mind that at the time but now I'm think maybe we should have gone a little slower. Anyways that's not the point. I work with this guy and I have a crush on him but I'm in a relationship. Ive always thought he was cute i just never thought he liked me too. I love my boyfriend but this other guy is kind of great. I'm thinking of all the possibilities and I do not want to cheat on my boyfriend ever but I also don't think I want to break up with him. At least I don't want to hurt him by breaking up with him. I'm just thinking that what if I stay with him and we live happily and grow old together but I'm also thinking what if the other guy is who I'm ment to be with. You know? How do I make the right decision. Please help😣