Hashimoto's and miscarriage

I have Hashimoto's. I was diagnosed in highschool maybe 15 yrs ago. I was told it was no big deal but I would eventually become hypothyroid and be placed on medication. Well that never happened. My TSH, T3, and T4 are all still "within normal range." However my antibodies are highly elevated due to Hashimotos. In January I had a miscarriage and started doing some research. I think it's possible that the antibodies could have caused this. I'm going gluten free for 30 days and starting acupuncture next week. My OB and Endocrinologist won't do anything. I'm not medicated and I think I should be. I'm terrified to miscarry again. We got pregnant very easily but now after my d&c having some trouble as I've noticed I'm ovulating later and later and have very short LH surges. Any advice? I have a referral to a new endo office but not until May. We're also hoping to move across the country (PA to OR) this summer. This miscarriage and Hashimotos is all I can think about and no one is helping me. Or at least I feel that way....