Not the labor I was expecting, but He's finally here

Not the labor I was expecting, but He's finally here!! 
Last Wednesday, I was 37 weeks and 3 days and went to a weekly check up. My pressure was 140/100, so they sent me to labor and delivery for monitoring. After my pressures came down, they sent me home with instructions to come back the next day for more monitoring. The next day my pressure was up again, so they decided to induce Thursday at 4pm. I was a 1cm and 30% effaced. They started with cervidil. At 5am on Friday they started pitocin because I was only at a 2 and 40%. They kept having to adjust the pitocin because my contractions would start coming really quickly together. Eventually, at 2pm, they had to turn it off. They finally allowed me to eat and they changed game plans. Cytotec was started that night. After 3 doses the contractions really started coming, and so did the back pain. You always here about back labor, but nothing compares to it! I was able to sleep from 4-830. Then the doctor came in and broke my water that morning. I was still only a 3cm dilated at that time. However, as soon as he broke my water my contractions became extremely intense and I had an epidural by 10. At 1230, they checked me again and I was at a 7!! Finally some progression. At 3pm, they noticed his heart rate dropping with the contractions, indicating he was descending more. I started to feel pressure soon after. They checked again and I was at a full 10 cm. They let him labor down, and then we started practice pushing at around 5. At 6, the doctor came in and got all set up. That's when we found out one of the stirrups on the bed was broken!!! So DH had to hold my numb leg from there on our. Finally, at 6:11, my baby boy came into this world sunny-side up and pee'd all over the nurses, hubby, and me. 6lbs. 11oz. 21 inches at 37 weeks and 5 days. After 50 hours of labor he was finally here!! I'm so in love with my little Carlyle James ❤️