My little man has made it into the world

It was a struggle but it was all worth it. I was in labor for 4 days. I started pushing and was pushing for about 30 mins and he was here but he had some complications. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. They almost had to do an emergency c-section but doctor told me to push for the last time and if he didn't come then I was going for that c-section. So I gave it my everything and he came with that last push. Not only the cord being wrapped around his neck, his pH levels was low as well. I was so scared. I didn't know what to think. Now not even 24 hours after he was born he is now off the ventilator and no more tubes. He is being so strong and a fighter. I can't be more blessed. I finally got to feed him and hold him for the first time. He came a day after his due date and weighing 6lbs and 2ozs and was 18in long. 💙💙