Planning a marriage

The problem is my fiancé doesn't seem to appreciate me or have much interest in communicating or conversing with me. (I'll explain more soon) 
Before I tell you my problem I want you to know the good things about him and our relationship. we aren't perfect but we are happy. And it's okay if we still need to work on conversation and appreciation, we've become so good at communication! 
He'll gladly cuddle me all day, he spends every moment he can with me physically. He cares about me more than anyone. If he's out of town while I'm sick he'll text me every few hours asking how I'm doing and telling me to eat enough, get enough rest and see a doctor. It's clear he loves me, it's clear he cares. He's excited for us to be married. We hardly ever fight anymore (maybe once every 2 months) and when we do fight it isn't so bad :) usually we'll cool off, apologize for whatever we said that might've been hurtful, make an effort to explain our emotions in a nice way, make an effort to understand each other, and then cuddle happily. 
Now to explain the problem:
He doesn't enjoy phone calls with me. He doesn't make an effort to talk to me when we are on the phone. He excepts me to do all the work in coming up with conversation topics. When I ask questions he answers only with one word. It's not a huge deal, I am honestly not hurt by it. He does this to everyone, not just me. With one exception. He'll talk for hours with his male friend. Usually I'm there when they are on the phone together because they only talk like once every 3 weeks. When they do talk it's usually about me and his friend's girlfriend. It's kinda sweet actually. 
I don't really mind the phone call issue. What I am slightly concerned about is ... When we are married will he continue to not put effort into conversation with me? Will I have to do all the work? I'm not interested in doing that. I'm interested in mutual communication, not one sided conversation. But he doesn't seem to listen to me and he certainly doesn't talk.