can I get pregnant?

I'm 33 and I've never been pregnant! My period has never been regular though and I had to take hormones to get it and take birth controls to keep regular 
Last May the dr found a fibroid, and it was wrapping around my left ovary, he hoped to save it.
Sadly he could not save it so now I have one ovary. And the dr
Told me it was not impossible but it might be a little harder since one working ovary.
I got the mirena when I was all healed up. But after this period and how terribly awful my cramps are and how heavy it is I want it out. My b/f wants a baby too really hoping for a boy lol but obviously as long as the baby is healthy that's what would matter 
Bc if I can have a baby I want to have one soon def before 35.
I just don't know what to do 
I've been eating better and exercising more to get healthy, my boy friend too.
Should he have fertility test too ?? 
How long after you get mirena out can you get pregnant??