Rant... I kinda feel like a bitch

Brittany • 25, married, one child and pregnant with my second
My husband is getting out if the army.. Cool whatever that's what he wants to do... My problem is,baby is due in sept.. His contract is up in nov... I managed to get him to stay here in Texas til January or February cuz I don't want to move with a new baby.. (That was a twist of an arm) so here is the issue.. I'm southern 100% been up north once and didn't like it.. Way to cold.. My husband is northern but not 100%... His mom wants us to move up north to New Hampshire.. 😒 that's not where I want to be.. He plays off that that's where he wants to be.. But he knows how I feel about it... I'm willing to move in the middle of the u.s cuz I know he wants his seasons.. His mom thinks im brainwashing him to stay south near my family when my family is in Florida and I don't want to be there either.. 
        I support him and stick by him with everything even when I don't like it.. I feel like this is something I should want to be happy with too...