Painful #2

I've been having really bad pain in my bum when i try to poop. It's been going on for a bit now after my SO tried anal fingering. We used tons of lube but seeing as it was my first time i assume there was light tearing. Of course that time in my period came where I was really constipated and I probably strained too much and so that made it worse. A few weeks went by and it started getting better. Now i've hit that time again and I'm really constipated and the other night I went poo and it was horrible. I wiped and there was some light pink streaks of blood on the toilet paper. It took me forever to go. Now it's absolutely excruciating to go. I really need help on how to make this better and to make pooping less painful. I'm so scared to go but i know holding it in will only make it worse. Please help 😫😫😫