please read this. any insight is great

So I'm 18. So is my boyfriend. We're about to start college in august. I've been through some serious shit this past year and he's seen it and helped me through it. As I've helped him through stuff. He's my everything. I don't want anyone or anything else. He accepts me. He's made me love myself again. More than I ever did. Showed me I still deserved love. Before our relationship, we were best friends for 4 years. When we started dating his mom want happy. I'm white and he's from Guyana.  She just didn't want him dating outside of his race. 7 months later. She's okaywith it. Me and her have a good relationship. We go shopping togeher without him sometimes. We've been on trips togrhwr me and him. Over night. We live in Florida and been to PA with his parents and then been to South Carolina with a friend of ours. My parents see what he's brought to my life. Before I didn't care about school I was skipping almost didnt. graduate. I've bustyed my ass, doing 3 semesters worth of work in 7 months. He got into a college in Orlando, we live in Coral Springs which is south Florida. Orlando is 3 hours away. Since I don't have language credit I have to go to a community college. I got into Valencia in Orlando. We had plans to move in togeher. My parents were on board. This whole time. I thought his parents were too. His mom said no it's a bad idea and she doesn't want it to cause issues. Such as us breaking up or me getting pregnant. Saying it's happened to relatives in the past. But I'm not them. I'm me. My boyfriend is at their beckon call. He has too older sisters who are treated like princesses. He does every thing they ask without any problems. And I feel like he should to try to explain his side more. I've cried all day. And I know he won't go against them but if I were him I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing  I didn't do everything I possibly could. I jusy was wondering what are some points we can bring up to his mom. I know I'm spending my life with him. I'm worried when we're older his mom will still dictate where he lives. They expect him to live in an apartment 3 hours away from them. By himself. And they're paying for everything. He said they're putting him through college. But I'm like Michael that's what you're supposed to do. I know not everyone is as fortunate as us. But he deserves to have his opinion at least heard. Which I don't feel like it has been. Please. Someone.  If you've read this far I really appreciate it. 
I would pay toward monthly and annual expenses