Bath Time

How often is everyone bathing their babies?
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2-3 times a week or when he has explosion 


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Maybe once a week. I don't shower every day, I do think see why a baby would need that. Maybe once she starts eating solids and is making a mess. I was her face, neck and hands daily in the morning and before bed.


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Every night from 2 weeks old it's his bath time routine bath at half 6 bottle straight after then straight to bed then he sleeps right through till 8 in morning it's al he's known from 2 wks old without his bath he gets confused as to why he's going to bed 


Lydia • Apr 1, 2017
Have the exact same routine from the same age. My baby knows it's bedtime straight after the bath and she sleeps all night too. I really think it's the routine that's made bedtime so easy x


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My little girl gets dry skin so I only bathe her once a week. Babies don't have BO or anything and they really don't need to be bathed very often. I think it's good for their immune systems to get a little dirty. sometimes.


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Twice a week. My LO has very sensitive and dry skin, so we only wash up twice a week. He doesn't really get dirty right now. I imagine once summer rolls in and he's moving around more and getting dirty it will be more like every other night or every night as needed.


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Every night he gets a bath, and then he gets fed and falls sound asleep for 8 hours. I feel like the bath helps relax him. 😊 


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Every night but I only wash her body and head with soap every other night. I'll wash her hands, bottom, and neck every night with very little soap. My daughter has really sensitive skin and eczema so her pediatrician said to bathe her every night so her skin can absorb the water and then to douse her in aquaphor to trap the moisture.


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We had been doing baths a few times a week, but my son really enjoys the bath and on non bath nights would be super happy and playful when I took him upstairs (after the usual cranky evening) then if you took him to bed rather than in to the bathroom he'd get really cranky again - we think because he was upset about not getting bath time. We've decided to make a bath part of the nightly bedtime routine now and he's much happier.


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I bath her every night, it helps get her calm and ready for bed. She gets a bath and lotion at 8/830, a bottle, then bed. Works well for us! Never any problems with dry skin 


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Every each other night with soap but I wash her hands face every morning and every time I home after go out. And wash her button every time she poo.