revenge on my attacker

I was raped a month and a half ago. A few days he contacted me and threatened to kill me and my boyfriend. He told me to watch my back and sent a picture of a gun. I haven't felt safe anywhere, my flashbacks are even worse, and I can't sleep anymore. I carry pepper spray and a knife everywhere I go now.
So, me being the petty bitch I am, created a fake MeetMe account. Contacted him and said I'm thinking about trying weed and if he could help me. I have screenshots of him telling me he'll sell me some, pictures of him holding more than 5grams of weed, pictures of him with blunts, on top of having proof of him threatening me.
I'm going to go to the police station and put in an anonymous tip. He has two felonies already for drug possession and if he gets one more he's in jail for a long time.