Rape trauma

When I was 15, my dad's best friend took advantage of me while his wife and two daughters were in their rooms. I had chosen to stay the night there because my alcoholic father was so drunk and I trusted his friends a lot more. My father was awful and used to drive around with me while he was drunk all the time. Then he would corner me and either make me feel awful about myself or make me uncomfortable.. So, I stayed at their house because I loved him and his wife like they were my own parents. I had tried to commit suicide a few months prior and my mom- who is my best friend- sent me to live with my dad because she didn't know what else to do.. It's been almost 6 years since his friend hurt me, and this coming April will be 5 years since the case was taken to court (not by my choice at all) and 4 years since I lost it because my father told the court that I was drunk that night (I hadn't even had a beer) and was lying to get attention.. I'm 21 now, with a husband and two beautiful baby boys. I went to visit my dad this weekend and they took me to a restaurant right behind the best friend's house- not even giving me warning. I thought I was getting over it finally, but I've had nightmares every night since, I've been having flashbacks, and I've been fighting with my husband over petty things. I don't know what to do. When will I get over it? I've kept it to myself, but this year it's actually been affecting me more than ever before. Is it coming back? Am I about to get worse? I can't go thorough all of that again. I'm so disgusted with myself. I keep feeling him on me and I am breaking down as I'm typing this.