CIO thoughts

You see a lot of comments on CIO sleep training on here. Just wanted to add my two cents...

My parents did the Ferber method of sleep training for me and my two younger brothers. I don't remember a day when I didn't feel loved and secure. All three of us are successful, happy, and confident individuals. My youngest brother is in grad school for physical therapy and my middle brother just graduated from grad school and is now a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I'm happily married with a baby of my own and work in business (strangely enough in a company that handles Physical Therapy insurance...).

All of this is to say... Sleep train or don't sleep train. It doesn't matter.

But if you choose to let your child cry a little to help teach them how to fall asleep on their own... As long as you love them, and provide for their needs, they will be fine. Sleep training in and of itself will not cause ADD. They will not hate you. They will not end up like a child who grew up in an orphanage. All of that is such alarmist thinking.

I know that it's not for everyone, the same way co-sleeping isn't for everyone. But please, for the sake of any scared, exhausted new moms out there, try to avoid making them feel like monsters for doing something that millions of parents have been doing for years.. And whose kids turned out wonderfully. We're all just trying our best. We're all in this together. ❤