Real Pregnancy Announcement on April Fools

🤱🏻mon • Baby Finn Born 10/6/17💙

So I'm 19 living with my parents & I'm 10 weeks pregnant. I haven't told them yet, I've been having a very difficult time deciding when and how I should do it. My family has a very good sense of humor, so I kinda think this idea will lighten the mood a little bit. Since it's April fools, I thought it would be funny to tell my parents I'm pregnant, go APRIL FOOLS, let them laugh, then tell them I'm not kidding. I've been struggling so much figuring out how to tell them, I think the small amount of comedic relief will ease my anxiety a lot. Thoughts? 

UPDATE: Okay so I did the April Fools announcement.. It went a little something like this... 

Me: I'm pregnant! 

My parents looked shocked 


My mum laughed, my dad had a mutual expression 

Me: Actually I seriously am pregnant.. 

My mum was like no wayyy

Me: April fools! 

My mum said oh you really got me! 

This kind of went on for like two minutes, then I pulled out the ultrasound picture. My dad goes "See how I'm not shocked, I already knew you were." 

(I've been throwing up everything for the past 3 weeks) 

But the 3 of us laughed it out and the way I did it actually softened the blow a lot. They thought I was very clever and it all went really well! We are still laughing about it today. They are already trying to pick out names for me! They're not disappointed because I was using protection, the condom broke which was no ones fault. In conclusion, it was a success and I am SO glad I did this. It made almost all my anxiety go away.